Achieve a Brighter Smile with HiSmile in 10 mins

With regards to home teeth whitening, the typical query is – Does it truly work?
HiSmile is a vegan & cruelty free whitening kit. It claims to be infused with unique formulation of 3 primary whitening gels designed to produce an optimum whiter effect within 10 minutes whilst ensuring no tooth erosion occurs. Thus, it uses peroxide-free gel which does no damage to the enamel, does no pain on sensitive teeth, and no side effects of burning gum.

hismile review

The whitening kit comes with three gel syringes, a mouth guard, battery UV light and an instruction booklet. I have to mention that the packaging is gorgeous! The only thing I wasn’t pleased about was the short instructions it came with since it was my first time to use a whitening kit, I was unsure of where to exactly put the gel so I had to surf it up on the net. By the way, it does not come with a whitening pen so you have to purchase it separately.

hismile whitening pen

whitening pen

HiSmile whitening pen is ideally used for those hard to reach places and impeccable for those with a bustling timetable hoping to keep up their outcomes.. I love how handy it is to carry around my purse. I’m pretty impressed with the result it gives which is absolutely noticeable and I got quite compliments with application.


It is a bit of a challenge to maintain a brighter and whiter smile especially there are limited intake of food and beverages (such as wine, coffee and tea) before and after application. It is recommended to be used daily to achieve desired results.

To answer the question – Does it work?

In my case, it did. I went one shade down. Below you can find before and after results. I am very much happy with it and noticed a bit of a difference. In case you’re wondering, you can purchase the gels to maintain it and the whitening process lasts generally for 1-3 months after completing the recommended 6-9 applications . I would say this is a good alternative if you don’t want to spend that much money on getting your teeth professionally done.

Click on the pictures below to find description for each.

For a quick tutorial on how to apply this, click HERE.
For Frequently Asked Questions, click HERE.
To view price rate/Purchase whitening kit, click HERE.


Disclaimer: Products were provided courtesy of HiSmile. Opinions are honest and my own.


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